Welcome to the
Classroom of the Future.
Immerse, Interact, and Understand with our state-of-the-art Virtual Reality Learning platform.
Why Virtual Reality?
Virtual reality (VR) in education transcends traditional learning boundaries, immersing students in a 3D environment where abstract concepts come to life and complex subjects are visualized.
VR can simulate real-world scenarios, providing students with invaluable hands-on experiences that might be impractical or impossible in a physical classroom. Incorporating VR in education can create more engaging, impactful, and personalized learning experiences.
Improves knowledge retention by up to 75%.
On average, 86% students improved from pre to post test.
Upto 3.75X more emotionally connected to content
Upto 4X more focused than E-Learners
A revolutionary Virtual Reality platform where students and educators, from anywhere in the world, come together in completely immersive environments to learn by doing and experiment without the fear of being wrong
A uniPhiEd Learning Space
Immersive and Hyper-Interactive
Real-time powerful Analytics
Gamified Challenges
Real-time Communication
Teacher-Centric Platform
Dive Deep, Discover Differently.
Let’s Connect
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